Sunday, September 11, 2016

Weekly Book Haul......September 11, 2016

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly book meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, The Sunday Post is another great site hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  The Sunday Salon is a Facebook page where great readers share what they've read this week and Mailbox Monday is a weekly roundup of the new books people have received.

I didn't add any new books this week.  I became a little concerned when I was on a blogger site and saw that most people have 7-12 books on their Netgalley bookshelf and I have 63.  Gulp.  

So now I'm feeling the need to read - fast.  And write more reviews. Read and catch up, read and catch up.

I've been getting up at 4:15am in the morning every day to go to the gym before work.  The dreaded mid-life crisis hit, and as my oldest gets closer to having her own children (we still have a year or two before that), I started getting restless - being a grandma.  It makes you realize that you are getting older, that you're on the second half of your life.  It's just a weird feeling, and not one that I thought I would ever have.  

So I"m trying to take my health more seriously, so I can enjoy this part of my life.  The downside is that I'm ending up in bed by 7:30pm, which is ridiculous.  I honestly think some of it is because of my couch in my sitting room.  I end up lying down, and then I get tired fast - and even thinking about firing the computer up is too big of a chore.  And being single means there isn't anyone here to force me to interact- or stay awake.

So this week I am committing to spending my evening in the living room, sitting up and staying awake until at least 8:30pm - baby steps!

I just finished The Dollhouse by Fiona Davis, and I loved it.  I'll post my review this week, but it was a great debut author read.

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