Saturday, March 21, 2015

90 degrees!

It's a beautiful, sunny day in Arizona!  It's going to be 90 today, and yes, this is our spring.  90 is the perfect temperature here, it's nice and warm, but not too hot, so you can get outside and enjoy yourself.
In my case, enjoying myself today means I'll be washing some windows, cleaning out the refrigerator, and scrubbing the patio.  That puts the FU in F-U-N, right?

I've been engrossed in the new Kimberly McCreight book, Where They Found Her, and I'm having  a hard time putting it down.  I loved her first book, Reconstructing Amelia, although I almost boycotted it because the blurb said, "The next Gone, Girl!".

I'm so sick of the "next, Gone, Girl!".  It was a great book, I bought a copy for my sister just to make sure she read it, saw the movie, blah, blah, blah, but quit comparing every other woman suspense writer's book to "the next Gone, Girl, let them stand on their own merits.

It must be my middle child syndrome that makes this bother me so much.

Have a great weekend and let me know what you are reading!

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