I have received books that I have loved, loved, loved. And those are the easiest ones to review because I can rave and let everyone know that this is one that you MUST read.
But I've also gotten some books that I thought were not so good, some that I even struggled to finish because they were just plain BAD.
And they are hard for me to review. For a few reasons. One, the author has poured their heart and soul into this book (exception, Janet Evanovich, you know you are just phoning it in now, chickie), and I don't really want to publicly insult their life's work. It just feels needlessly mean.
Two, I don't want to make publishers angry, because they are the ones kind enough to give me their books to review. I love getting books on my Kindle and in the mail, and I'm old enough to know that you don't bite the hand that feeds you.
But I have a pretty dry sense of humor, and I usually write the same way I talk. Snark is part of my natural language. So holding that back can sometimes feel dishonest to me. Plus, I think my snark may be more entertaining to readers, rather than my professional speak - which I already have to do 8 hours a day.
So what to do? Be myself? Or not?
My fellow bloggers, how do you handle it when you read a book that you didn't care for? Are you honest in your review or do you just not review the book?

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